About the project

Despite the variation in the way vocational education and training is functioning and perceived across Europe, it will continue to play a key role in the shift towards more knowledge-intensive societies. The European Commission called on Member States to step up their efforts in developing world-class vocational education and training to raise the quality of vocational skills, and in promoting work-based learning, including quality traineeships, apprenticeships and dual system.

There is no single model for apprenticeships, and apprenticeships are far from being a core track of VET in many countries, which impacts negatively the transfer of credits, as well as the recognition of learning outcomes. This also creates obstacles to targeting unemployment through transnational labour mobility.

According to CEEMET, which is the European employers’ organization representing the interests of the metal, engineering and technology-based industries, the companies across Europe, providing some 12.7 million jobs to cover all products within the metal, engineering and technology-based sectors, make up the largest industrial sector in Europe, both in terms of employment levels and added value, and are therefore vital in driving forward and securing Europe’s future prosperity. The 3MVET project is focused on a vocational sector of key importance and is also aiming to increase the attractiveness of VET in general, but also raising the profile and quality of vocations that are currently much in demand, due to the latest trends in the economic development of Europe. Unfortunately, in all partnership countries, except from Germany, the market needs are way ahead of VET providers ability to supply skilled workforce.

During the 3MVET preliminary research, one of our key findings was that some of the main reasons for the existence of the above described gaps are very much linked to the absence of active cooperation between VET schools and the business during the process of design of theoretical and practical programmes. Hence, the link between those providing the theory and part of the practical skills (where applicable) and those supplying the real work placements to ensure building up professional competencies, is broken, or missing.

OBJECTIVES: The key objective of the 3MVET project is to design, develop, test, validate, exploit, disseminate and sustain the following innovative products:

  • methodological materials for teachers responsible for the curriculum and syllabus delivered in VET schools and cooperation with companies (to cover vocations in the field of „Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“), i.e. 3MVET Teachers’ Handbook;
  • training materials for company mentors engaged in the delivery and monitoring of work placement activities for apprentices/students (to cover occupations in the field of „Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“), i.e. 3MVET Mentors’ Handbook;
  • matrix mapping expected learning outcomes, acquired by VET students/trainees and labour force (in the field of „Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“) through theoretical and practical experiences against a common framework to allow for transnational recognition of knowledge, skills and competencies, i.e. 3MVET Recognition Matrix.


  • VET teachers in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy (3M sector);
  • Mentors in enterprises/manufactures/companies in the 3M sector delivering work placement practices;
  • VET students/trainees pursuing a qualification in any of the Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy professional fields and specialties, as well as professionals (active workers).