Aragon Institute of Technology
The Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA) was created in 1984 by the General Government of Aragon, with the main objective of promoting technological possibilities of the enterprises in this region, and in this way developing new products and processes, with the prospect of fostering competitiveness and join the European Union.
ITA, known as ITAINNOVA, is Public Law and non-profit entity with juridical personality, integrated in the General Government of Aragon, which performs research and development for the local industry. It´s a public Technology Centre, whose mission is to help companies, technology leaders, institutions towards achieving a new future through innovation and technological development. ITAINNOVA is dedicated to guiding and helping companies, institutions and individuals to take a step towards excellence through innovation and technological development that was previously unimaginable. Technology center where people share knowledge, work together, create multidisciplinary teams and collaborate with the environment to create the best technological innovation.
Four of our areas of expertise are crosslinked to provide direct innovation for technological solutions focused on the needs of our customers. Industrial Systems, ICT for Logistics, Software Engineering and Multimedia Technologies work on a set of 10 lines of innovation.
ITAINNOVA headquarters has 15,000 m2 and 5 unique equipment located at its headquarters in Zaragoza and Huesca. Venues include five unique infrastructures: Demonstrator Audiovisual and Logistics Centers (CDLog) tests towers lifts, semi-anechoic chambers for EMC testing equipment and MAST. In our Mechanical Laboratory, we hold experimental activities, focused on the physical characterization of different types of materials and components, working under the framework of both national and international standards for quality (UNE, EN, ISO, ASTM, etc.). Our activities are closely linked to local, regional and European VET providers. Please also see for reference our list of implemented projects, outlined below.
Among research areas are: Smart actuators, Robotics; Robust electronic and electrical systems (EMC) with high energy efficiency; advanced planning applied to production, transport and logistics; Multimodal human-computer interaction.
Innovation areas are: Advanced automation and Instrumentation; Electronic products; Lifts; Machinery; Automotive products; Packaging; Logistics] Transport (Sustainable mobility)] Information systems] Immersive technology solutions.
ITAINNOVA has a great list of contacts in Aragon region and is a member of various national and European networks: to include more than 8500 enterprises of Aragon, SMEs and large companies, public entities and intermediate bodies, Universities and Administration, Organizations of research and development.
Ms. Rosana Montón Vera is a graduate of English Philology and has a certificate in Pedagogic Studies. Master in Communication and Publicity. She has an extensive experience in control, supervision, and project management at national and international level. Its key role in the project is the evaluation as well as the assurance and control of the achievements, indicators and performance milestones..
Mr. Oscar Pascual Muñoz. Engineer. Master Innovation Management and Industrial organization. He is part of the Transfer and Exploitation Department, where his work is focused on the preparation of proposals within Horizon2020, other R & D & I programs and Interreg Territorial Cooperation Programs (Europe, IVA and IVB). Oscar Pascual is the leader in the evaluation of 3MVET products.
Ms. Elena Pallarés Beamonte is a graduate in Clinical Psychology, has a certificate in Pedagogic Studies and a Master’s degree in Management and Administration Humans Resources. She has experience as a trainer and design of e-learning activities; project coordinator of national and European training projects. She will be the main point of contact during the project lifetime at organization level, but will also participate in various management and administrative activities.