The final international dissemination conference of 3MVET project was held

The final international dissemination conference of 3MVET project

On September 4th 2018, in Park-hotel "Moskva", Sofia, Bulgaria was held the final dissemination conference under the project “Innovative VET materials for the professional field of „Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy“ 3MVET, funded by Erasmus+ Program.

More than 200 participants, including 100 foreign guests, attended the conference in order to exchange experience from the professional sector with the key role to the economy of each country.

In her greeting to the participants Mrs. Tanya Mihaylova - Deputy Minister of Education and Science in Bulgaria, formulated the main tasks for the vocational education and training in Bulgaria. A special guest in the event was Mrs. Emiliyana Dimitrova - Chair of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training in Bulgaria.

During the conference were presented the intelectual outputs of the project - 3MVET Teacher’s handbook, 3MVET Mentor’s handbook and 3MVET Recognition Matrix in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking and Metallurgy.